
GitGetting StartedIdentitygit config --global geekw@fox ...git config --global “TooLazyTo ...Editgit config --global core.editor emacschecking your settingsgit config --listgit config user.nameHelpgit help <verb>git help configgit  <verb>  --help man git-<verb>Git BasicsGetting a Git Repositorygit initgit clonegit clone ...git clone ...Recording Changes to the Repositorygit statusgit status -sgit add READMEcat .gitignoregit diffgit diff --stagedgit diff --cachedstaged 和 cached 是同义词 git difftool --tool-helpgit commitgit commit -m “toolazytoname message”git commit -a -m “toolazytoname跳过使用暂存区域”git rmgit rm -fadd it to the index alreadygit rm --cached READMEkeep the file in working tree but remove ...keep the file on your hard drive but no  ...git rm log/\*.loggit rm \*~\* is necessary  because Git dose its ow ...git mv file_from file_togit mv README  相当于mv READMEgit rm README.mdgit add READMEgit loggit log -p -2git log --statgit log  --pretty=onelinegit log --onelinegit log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : ...TABLE 2-1. Useful options for git log -- ...git log --pretty=format:"%h  %s" --graphTABLE 2-2. Common options to git log     ...Limiting Log Outputgit log --since=2.weeksgit log -StoolazytonameEditContentTABLE 2-3. Options to limit the output o ...git log -- author=“john”git log --author="\(Adam\)\|\(Jon\)"git log --author='^(?!Adam|Jon).*$' --pe ...git log --format='%H %an' |    grep -v A ...Undoing Things--amendgit commit -m ‘initial commit’ git add f ...git reset HEAD checkout -- toolazytoname.mdUnstaging a Staged Filegit reset HEAD CONTRIBUTING.mdUnmodifying a Modified Filegit checkout —CONTRIBUTING.mdWorking with Remotesgit remotegit remote -vshows you the URLs that Git has stored f ...git remote add lazy ...git remote show [temote-name]git remote show origingit remote rename toolazy lazy git remote  rm too lazygit fetch [remote-name]git fetch lazygit push origin master TaggingListing Your Tagsgit taggit tag -l ‘v1.8.5*’Creating TagsAnnotated Tagsgit tag -a v1.4 -m “lazy my version 1.4”git show v1.4Lightweight Tagsgit tag v1.4 -lwTagging Latergit tag -a v1.4 9fasdfSharing Tagsgit push origin v1.5git push origin --tagsChecking out Tagsgit checkout -b version2 v2.0.0deletegit tag -d tagNameToDeleteGit Aliasesgit config —global checkoutgit config --global alias.visual "!gitk"Git ToolsRevision SelectionShort SHA-1git loggit show a536c213ade98da8b24fe8177e04dd0 ...git log --abbrev-commit —pretty=onelineBranch Referencesgit show a5989fbfe21b3df02129d506563f708 ...git show mastergit rev-parse master a5989fbfe21b3df0212 ...RefLog Shortnamesgit refloga log of where your HEAD and branch refe ...git show HEAD@{5}git show master@{yesterday}git log -g master试了这是一个神奇的命令,就算reset --hard以后,也能找回来Ancestry Referencesgit show HEAD^the parent of HEADgit show a5989fb^git show a5989fb^2the second parent of a5989fbThis syntax is only useful for merge com ...git show HEAD~the first parentgit show HEAD~3the first parent of the first parentgit show HEAD^^^Commit RangesDOUBLE DOTgit log master..experimentD   Cin your experiment branch that hasn’t ye ...all commits reachable by experiment that ...git log experiment..masterF       Egit log origin/master..HEADgit log origin/master..MULTIPLE POINTSgit log refA..refBgit log ^refA refBgit log refB --not refAgit log refA refB ^refCgit log refA refB --not refCTRIPLE DOTgit log master…experimentF    E     D   Cspecifies all the commits that are reach ...--left --rightgit log --left-right master…experiment< F    < E     > D   > CInteractive Staginggit add iStashing and CleaningStashing Your Workgit stash git stash savegit stash listgit stash applygit stash apply --indexgit stash drop stash@{0}git stash popCreative Stashinggit stash --keep-indexnot stash anything that you’ve already s ...git stash --include-untrackedgit stash -ustash the untracked files as well as the ...git stash --patchGit will not stash everything that is mo ...Creating a Branch from a Stashgit stash branch testChangesCleaning your Working Directorygit clean新建节点git stash --allgit clean -f -dgit clean -ndo a dry run and tell me what you would  ...git clean -xremove those files that match a pattern  ...git clean -x -iinteractive modesigning Your WorkGPG Introductiongpg --listkeysgig --gen-keygit config - - global user.signingkey 0A ...Signing Tagsgit tag -s v1.5 -m “my signed 1.5 tag”git show v1.5Verifying Tagsgit tag -v v1.4.2.1this command uses GPG to verify the sign ...Signing Commitsgit commit -a -S -m ‘signed commit’git log - -show-signature -1SearchingGit Grepgit grep -n gmtime_rpass -n to print out the line numbers wh ...git grep --count gmtime_rhow many matches there were in each file ...git grep -p gmtime_r  *.cwant to see what method of function it t ...$ git grep --break --heading \
-n -e '#d ...git Log Searchinggit log -SZLIB_BUF_MAX --oneline-G regular expressionLINE LOG Searchshow you the history of a function or li ...git log -L :loadView:PlayerMoreControlle ...':funcname:file'git log -L '/- (void)loadView {/',/^}/:P ... 'start,end:file'Rewrite Historyall before you share your work with othe ...Changing the Last Commit git commit --amendChanging Multiple Commit Messagesgit rebase -i HEAD~3Reordering CommitsSquashing CommitsSplitting a CommitThe Nuclear Option:filter-branchREMOVING A FILE FROM EVERY COMMITgit filter-branch - - tree-filter ‘rm -f ...git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f * ...--allMAKING A SUBDIRECTORY THE NEW ROOTgit filter-branch --subdirectory-filter  ...CHANGING EMAIL ADDRESSES GLOBALLYgit filter-branch --commit-filter '
if [ ...Reset DemystifiedThe Three TreesTHE HEADgit cat-file -p HEADgit ls-tree -r HEADTHE INDEXgit ls-files -sTHE WORKING DIRECTORYtreebrew instal treeThe WorkflowAdvanced Merginggit merge --abortgit merge -Xignore-space-change masterRerereDebugging with GitSubmodulesBundingReplaceCredential StorageGit BranchingBranches in NutshellCreating a New Branchgit branch testingSwitching Branchesgit checkout testingThis moves HEAD to point to the testing  ...git log  --oneline  --decorate --graph - ...--decorate  -- print out ref names of an ...Basic Branching and Merginggit checkout -b lazyBranchThis is shorthand forgit branch lazyBranchgit checkout lazyBranchgit branch -d lazyBranchgit mergetoolBranch Managementgit branch -vTo see the last commit on each branchgit branch --mergedfilter the list to branches that you hav ...git branch  --no-mergedBranching WorkflowsLong-Running BranchesTopic BranchesRemote BranchesPushinggit push (remote) (branch)git push origin serfixgit fetch originTracking Branchesgit checkout -b serverfix origin/serverf ...=git checkout --track origin/serverfixa different name than the remote namegit checkout -b sf origin/serverfixgit branch -u origin/serverfixor--set-upstream-togit branch -vvwant to see what tracking branches  you  ...Deleting Remotes Branchesgit push origin --delete serverfixRebasingThe Basic Rebasegit checkout experimentgit rebase mastergit checkout mastergit merge experimentMore interesting Rebasesgit rebase --onto master server clientgit checkout mastergit merge clientgit rebase master servergit rebase [basebranch] [topicbranch]git checkout master git merge servergit branch -d clientgit branch -d serverThe Perils of RebasingDo not rebase commits that exist outside ...git pull —rebasegit fetchgit rebase teamone/master
Git Basics
git log
Git Branching
Branches in Nutshell
The Basic Rebase
More interesting Rebases
Git Tools
Revision Selection